On this, the eighth day of my nine-day break from work, I can say that, other than watching movies, I have not accomplished what I hoped. I watched too much pointless television, ate too much bad food ("bad" as in "bad for me", not bad-tasting), wrote only in this space, didn't do anything even remotely outdoorsy, probably spent less time with my children than either they or I wished, read little of consequence, and spent a ridiculous amount of money. Luckily, it is now New Year's Eve, the time for reconsiderations of past indiscretions and resolutions of improved future behaviour, so tomorrow I will get to make a fresh start. Tomorrow's posting will be dedicated to a review of my resolutions for 2005, the failure rate in attaining same which I presently estimate at 90%. On the positive side, I won't have to expend much energy in coming up with my 2006 list.
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I have been reading "The New Biographical Dictionary of Film" and getting considerable enjoyment out of same. It's a very personal and idiosyncractic book, with author David Thomson writing about film artists and personalities of interest to him, and not really considering whether they are "stars", although the biggest are not neglected. The book is meant to be dabbled in, to follow a whim from entry to entry. In my brief readings so far, I have jumped around, checking out favorites as the mood strikes me. A very pleasant read.
Thomson offers an opinion about Keifer Sutherland and "24" that is very much akin to my own perception of that show's genius:
Indeed, part of the 24 cult, I think, rests in Sutherland's ambivalent nature, and his record as an outsider figure who might do anything. 24 was always at its best when Jack Bauer was shaky - hardly able to trust himself - and that is the Keifer Sutherland beloved by that small band that reckons Truth or Consequences, N.M. one of the medium's great titles, and Freeway one of its masterpieces.
Although Jack Bauer is now "dead", "24" is two weeks away from another year of brilliance, and thanks to the good folks at Fox I have an inkling of what is to follow. The link for the season 5 trailer is http://www.fox.com/video/index.htm?cat_id=24inside_season4&clip_id=24inside_422. If it doesn't work, just go the "24" website and you can find it in the "video" section. Prepare to be blown away.
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Happy New Year!
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I have been reading "The New Biographical Dictionary of Film" and getting considerable enjoyment out of same. It's a very personal and idiosyncractic book, with author David Thomson writing about film artists and personalities of interest to him, and not really considering whether they are "stars", although the biggest are not neglected. The book is meant to be dabbled in, to follow a whim from entry to entry. In my brief readings so far, I have jumped around, checking out favorites as the mood strikes me. A very pleasant read.
Thomson offers an opinion about Keifer Sutherland and "24" that is very much akin to my own perception of that show's genius:
Indeed, part of the 24 cult, I think, rests in Sutherland's ambivalent nature, and his record as an outsider figure who might do anything. 24 was always at its best when Jack Bauer was shaky - hardly able to trust himself - and that is the Keifer Sutherland beloved by that small band that reckons Truth or Consequences, N.M. one of the medium's great titles, and Freeway one of its masterpieces.
Although Jack Bauer is now "dead", "24" is two weeks away from another year of brilliance, and thanks to the good folks at Fox I have an inkling of what is to follow. The link for the season 5 trailer is http://www.fox.com/video/index.htm?cat_id=24inside_season4&clip_id=24inside_422. If it doesn't work, just go the "24" website and you can find it in the "video" section. Prepare to be blown away.
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Happy New Year!