Of course, now that I never post, it makes sense that people are landing on my site. At least, they are according to Site Meter, and why would I doubt them. But now, it's time to get back to it. Tomorrow is a day full of firsts, and it seems apropos to resurrect this space to review and discuss. Consider it my dialogue with myself, with an invitation extended to anyone who wishes to join in. Let's see where it goes.
First, I am starting a new job. Friday past was my last day at a 30-lawyer firm; Monday is my first day at a 110-lawyer office of a 300ish-lawyer firm. My old place had 1.5 floors, this place has four in Toronto alone. The old firm was in a 20-storey building; the new one has 68 floors, and is either the tallest or second-tallest office tower in Metro. The old firm did insurance law, the new one does almost every type of law I can imagine, including real estate, tax, securities, aboriginal, entertainment, family - you get the picture. I'll still be a law clerk doing insurance defence, but working on a much broader array of files compared to being something of a specialist at the old place. Plus, I'll be working again for my favorite lawyer from the old firm, who left a few months ago and then recruited me to her new place. All in all, very exciting.
Second, my daughters are both starting a new school, moving from the public system to the Catholic. We initially put them in public for geographic convenience, but with Brittany having to change schools anyway, and an evolving sense that we needed to give them some sort of religious training, the time was ripe. We started going to church this summer, including my first trip to confession in some 25 years. As you can expect, I stuck to the high (or low points), and told the priest exactly that. Amazingly, the place did not get struck by lightning, and my penance was more than reasonable. I think he was just pleased to see someone returning to the Church instead of abandoning it. The girls have checked out the school and met the principal, and are very excited.
Finally, our dance school closed without warning less than two weeks ago, and we have been scrambling ever since to find a new home for my dancing daughters. We have located a school we like - not as convenient location wise, but with really young energetic teachers, a truckload of trophies, and a price I can live with - but it won't be final until I start my new job and clarify my "official" work hours. (In law, there is no such thing as a nine-to-five job.) Ever since word came, there have been hours spent on phone and email between the many abandoned parents as we shared information and discussed alternatives. In the end, we were turned on to this school by my daughter Nicole's duet partner's parents, even though most of the other kids seem to be migrating to another school that is actually closer to our home. Regardless, this feels like the best fit for us, where the girls can find out how good they can be and, more importantly, how good they want to be and how hard they are willing to work to get there.
Anyway, it feels like I'll have lots to write about this year, and I'll have the hours sitting in the dance school waiting room to do it.
The World of George is back. I hope you'll find it worth your time to stop by.