World of George


Wednesday, February 08, 2006

I hate being sick, but then who doesn't? I missed two days of work, for which I am paying dearly today, and still feel less than wonderful. On the upside, I watched five movies over the two days. On Monday, there was Gregory's Girl (quirky and fun, but hardly the minor classic some have made it out to be), The Invisible Man (completely over the top, but the invisibility effects are quite good for the time) and Bride & Prejudice (something of a mess, with Bollywood-level production numbers, but it does feature some awfully beautiful Indian women). On Tuesday, I watched Man of the House (although certainly predictable, this is not the disaster you may have heard - very entertaining, and even quite funny in places) and rewatched the classic DodgeBall (love the Jason Bateman character especially, but the whole thing is just pure genius). Unfortunately, I missed yet another film class. There is definitely no room in my life for another cold/flu this season.

The Super Bowl on Sunday was a fairly bland affair occasionally interrupted by some absolutely amazing plays. Neither team played very well, but Pittsburgh made the big plays they needed to win the game. I never cared for the Steelers during their glory years in the '70s. But since Bill Cowher became their coach, they have been my favorite AFC team (second only to my bowed-but-not-beaten 49ers). If I were an athlete, Cowher is exactly the kind of guy I would love to have for a coach. He demands the best out of his players, but accepts their human frailties and occasional failings. I think his players would run through walls for him, and few who leave equal the success they have playing for him. He's been there for 14 years, and finally has a title. Looks good on you, Bill.

The Grammys are tonight? Does anyone care? Any organization that concludes that anything by Mariah Carey - no matter how good she looks - is the best of the year is an organization seriously out of touch with the meaning of the words "good" and "bad".