World of George


Monday, September 04, 2006

Here's the (slightly edited) text of an email that I sent to everyone at my old firm just before shutting down my computer on Friday. It seemed cheezy at the time, and moreso now, but my wife thought it was really nice and it just felt good to do it. I even believe most of what I wrote, which is a bonus:

To all lawyers and staff:

Those of you who don't know me are free to stop reading right here. Forthe rest of you, should you dare to continue, I want to say thank you.It is not without some measure of sadness that I leave you today. I don't have to tell you that this is a great law firm - that is public knowledge. But what isn't so widely known is what a great place this is to work. Sure, it has wrinkles and bumps - every place does. But there seems a belief at [insert law firm name here] that we are all important, from the most senior lawyer to the newest I-have-no-idea-what-I'm-doing-yet hire. (For whoever that person is, this comment is not directed at you - we've all been there!) I have always felt valued and appreciated here - and that is measured not just by the numbers on my paycheque, but in the many daily considerations that make you happy to come to work. As word has circulated about my pending departure, the response has been nothing but supportive, and for that I am appreciative. I won't single anyone out here lest I pull a Hilary Swank, but I leave knowing that not one of you will go unmissed to some degree, and how often can we say that about a job. I hope that whatever tiny part I have played in your life or career during my time here has been a positive one, and know that I will see many of you again as we travel through the Toronto legal community. I wish all of you the very best in the future.

Now, back to our regular scheduled programming . . .


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