World of George


Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Busy day. Day one at my new job, learning a ton of new computer stuff - some familiar (Lotus Notes, Word), some not (umm, well, customized tricks in both Lotus Notes and Word). The phone system is fantastic, and I can even have the "24" ring tone. The main thing is that I actually received some training, compared to my previous job, where I was dumped at a desk and set loose. Another half day tomorrow, then off to the races.

The girls started their new school today also. Brittany quickly slipped in with a group of three girls who she calls her friends. Nicole's adjustment has been a bit more traumatic, with one little girl taking her under her wing. We always knew it would be harder for her since she left behind some good friends at her old school, while Brittany's old friends started abandoning her last year for more insular culture- and faith-based socialization. I also registered them at their new dance school, seeing Nicole's old partner in the process. Like Nicole, she lost two upper front teeth over the summer.

Finally, Maxine landed a half-day position at the school where she works, which will really add to our bottom line. Add this to her lunchroom supervisor job, and with any luck she'll be able to cover the cost of the car we plan to buy in the new year - after I finish my G2. Good times ahead.


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