World of George


Wednesday, February 01, 2006

This is why 24 is the best hour of television I have ever seen: the moment when Jack, with his knife pressing up against Walt Cummings' eye, opens with "You've read my file," then proceeds to explain to Cummings exactly how he's going to gut him. Because Cummings knows what we all know: that Jack will do whatever it takes in the service of his country, and that Cummings can expect no mercy, especially in light of his having ordered the assassination of former President Palmer. I didn't expect Jack to start cutting, because I believed Walt would cave. But my wife looked away, fearful of the bloodletting to come. When a TV show - the hallmark of predictability - can do that to you, then you know you are in the presence of greatness.

More great moments: Aaron's lack of surprise at Walt's involvement, and his complicity in Jack's confrontation with Walt and Logan. Mrs. Logan's dismissive attitude towards her repentant husband. Bill putting Lynn in his place. Jack telling Logan he'll disappear again when this is over.

All this, and we still haven't seen the return of Kim Bauer. Bring it on!

* * * * *

Turns out I was wrong the other day about the Hays Code. Although drafted in 1930, it didn't really take effect until 1934. The delicacy of Rain in respect of Sadie's morals was either due to an attempt to comply with the Code in light of a rising tide of support for its dictates, or maybe that's just the way people did things back then. I suspect the former.

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Now Brian Tobin has dropped out of the Liberal leadership hunt. The candidates get weaker all the time, although I never personally considered Tobin a legitimate contender. Once a shining paragon of virtue, choosing family over power in returning to Newfoundland, he later revealed himself as a crass opportunist. His absence from the race is no great loss to the country.

* * * * *

Here's a very personal comment. I left home this morning without first doing up my fly. This has never happened to me before. More disconcerting, I spent 15 minutes walking around my apartment like that, with neither my wife (unfortunately) nor daughters (fortunately) noticing. Also fortunately, I was wearing a long overcoat and was able to correct this error on the sly without anyone seeing. (Well, I thought it was on the sly. There may have been someone who wondered what the hell was happening with my hands. Thankfully, no police were involved.) Now, here's my question: Am I a subconscious flasher, or this an early sign of Alzheimer's? Dear God, please let me be a flasher.


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