World of George


Wednesday, January 18, 2006

I'm a bit rushed this week, so I'll be waiting until the weekend to offer my full comments on "24". One thing of interest that I do want to note is the performance of the "stars" added to the cast this year. Stars - especially of TV shows - come with baggage, with audience expectations as to what their characters will and will not do. With a show like "24", which thrives on the unexpected, this is a serious detriment. With Dennis Hopper as the head villain in season one there was no surprise element because, after years of Hopper's life and work, nothing he does can catch you off guard. I think this is one reason for the presence of so many Canadian actors on the show (along with the producers' familiarity with Canuck talent after several years making "Nikita" here). Since they are less familiar or completely unknown to American audiences, they are clean slates and their characters can do pretty much anything or have it done to them without disrupting the viewer's comfort zone. It's one thing to see Lothaire Bluteau dying from a hideous virus released in a hotel (in season three). Now imagine the same thing happening to David Schwimmer. (You wish!)

This year's stars are Jean Smart and Sean Astin. Maxine and I agree that we love Smart as the first lady. She's crazy, but not too crazy, and looks like she'll be the linchpin of the intrigue inside the President's world this year. As for Astin, he seems completely out of place in CTU. But maybe it's the character, a boy scout with a machine gun, slicing through everyone he meets. We certainly cheered him when he figured out what Jack was up to, but even then he played hardball in making sure Jack was taken into custody. Maybe I just miss the big furry feet.

One other thing. If there is any question as to how important Derek and his mother have become to Jack during his 18 months as a dead man, it was answered when he gave himself up to save the boy. Jack is a "needs of the many" kind of guy. In season three, he personally executed Ryan Chappelle and was on the verge of killing the bad guy's daughter so he could save thousands. In season two, he was prepared to give up his own life to detonate the nuke in the desert. So to see Jack risk the mission and the many innocents in the airport to save one life, you know that he loves this kid like a son. I am certain that this will haunt him in the hours to come as the enemy tries to use it against him.

* * * * *

Today is one of those days where I feel like changing jobs. It will probably pass, but I realized there are clerks in this office who answer to one partner and possibly that partner's junior(s). My department has three partners and six associates, all of whom give me work to varying degrees, plus there are two other partners and two associates who at one time or another in the past six months I have done work for. I feel a little overwhelmed right now, with assignments backing up and everyone thinking their work is paramount on my agenda. Most of the time I like it here, but today I just wish I had one boss.

* * * * *

The NFL has admitted that the ref blew the call in the Pittsburgh-Indianapolis game. I wonder if they would show such integrity if Indy had won?


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