World of George


Monday, January 16, 2006

A few quick thoughts during a very busy day. . .

I don't recall ever seeing such a horrible call by a game official as in yesterday's Pittsburgh-Indianapolis NFL game, when a sure interception was turned into an incomplete pass by the referee's creative interpretation of the rules. Even the game announcers were stunned, holding their tongues to prevent stating what was obvious to everyone but the ref in question. Thankfully, it did not alter the outcome of the game. For a brief moment, I believed the league wanted Indy in the Super Bowl and would break the rules to get them there. Ah, the demented paranoia of the sports fan.

Last night's "24" premiere was amazing, one twist after another. It's been a long time since something on TV rocked me like the opening scenes. As expected as it was - inevitable, perhaps - I was still shocked, a reminder of why this is the best hour on television week in, week out. two more hours tonight, although they are being PVRed for a Tuesday night viewing with the Mrs. Unless she's awake when I get home from school and we can't wait another night. A full appreciation will follow after I watch both.

After voting on Saturday, I saw a lot of political ads yesterday while spending my day in front of the TV. Paul Martin looks old and dirty, Jack Layton like a used-car salesman (as in the Kurt Russell-starring classic "Used Cars") and Stephen Harper the most prime-ministerial, but with an evil gleam in his eye and a smirk on his lips. I don't like any of them. Our nation's leaders are in dire need of some charisma.


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