World of George


Wednesday, December 21, 2005

We have a beggar at my subway stop now. He was there after work yesterday, a young guy, asking again and again "Do you have 25 cents?" It seemed odd, the specificity of his request. What if someone only had a toonie and was ready to give it to him, but decided that was overpaying since he was only asking for a quarter? He would have screwed himself out of all that money. Or what if you said to him, "I can give you 25 cents, but I only have a five. Can you make change?" I thought about saying that myself, but I guess I'm just not enough of an ass.


* * * * *

One of the partners doesn't wash his hands after peeing. This is why companies should never let the executive and staff branches use the same bathroom. It's a small detail, but one that says a lot about this guy, and perhaps explains the slightly grungy air he has about him. It also calls to mind a joke about two guys using the bathroom. One goes to wash his hands, the other doesn't. The hand washer says, "Didn't your mother teach you to wash your hands after using the bathroom?" The other replies, "No. Didn't your mother teach you not to pee on your hands?"

For what it's worth, I don't recall my mother teaching me either, although I make certain to do both.

* * * * *

I forgot to mention Liz Phair on my list of favorite female singers. Liz looks like a girl who would be a lot of fun to hang with, even if she ends up stealing your wallet after giving you some truly amazing sex. Interviews suggest there is some truth to this image, or at least there was in the past. There's a real freedom in her songs, of women who go after what they want, no matter how much it ends up hurting them. She's dangerous, but not threatening. And damned good looking, to these eyes at least. And any woman who chooses to have sex doggie style so she can watch TV at the same time can't be all bad. Unless, of course, she's watching something like "Sex in the City". Which I know Liz wouldn't do. Would she?


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