World of George


Sunday, December 18, 2005

My wife once said to me that I didn't like women. Now, what she was referring to was actually female entertainers, and this was probably after I had rammed a stake in the heart of the perceived talents of Julia Roberts or one of her ilk. There are in fact many female actresses whose work I enjoy, including Susan Sarandon and Uma Thurman. I am also a great admirer of the cinematic works of many former Playboy Playmates.

She might also have been talking about female singers, and in that sense she was correct. In the late 1990s or so, I just didn't care for what I was hearing from female voices on the radio - all that folky bitching was wearing me out, or else there were the latest screams from borderline talents like Madonna and Janet Jackson. But in recent years, I have discovered Fiona Apple and Anna Nalick and even Avril Lavigne and Skye Sweetnam. Plus, I have always been a sucker for a cutesy pop song, leaving lots of room in my life for groups like the GoGos and B-52s and, for a brief moment before they annoyed the hell out of me, the Bangles and, later, Spice Girls. This of course explains my tolerance of much of what my daughters like to listen to, such as Hilary Duff and Lindsay Lohan, both more personalities than singers, although at least Lohan can, when she wants to, act. Duff's career remains one of those unexplainable mysteries.

My favorite song at this moment, downloaded on the recommendation of Blender, is from two Aussie sisters called The Veronicas. It's called "4Ever", and it's a blast of pure bubble gum with a really nice guitar hook. I've listened to it several times this week on my mp3 player, including just before I came online. I expect to be sick of it by mid week, but pop music is all about living for the moment.

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"If you think that by threatening me you can get me to do what you want... Well, that's where you're right. But - and I am only saying this because I care - there are a lot of decaffeinated brands on the market that are just as tasty as the real thing."

Chris Knight, "Real Genius" (screenplay by Neal Israel and Pat Proft - because someone had to write the damned thing, not that anyone quoting from a movie ever gives the writer of that clever line any credit) [quote - slightly edited to accord with my own memory of the film without having to go to the trouble of pulling out my ancient VHS copy - courtesy of]

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Further to my comments on Brittany Murphy the other day, anyone who can tell me why Matthew McConaughey can still find work is welcome.


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