World of George


Thursday, December 01, 2005

If you ever work for a lawyer, it will help you to know this going in. To a man/woman, they are soul-sucking users. Sometimes, you will allow yourself to think that you have transcended that barrier and developed a friendship with one. You are only deceiving yourself. The only hope you have of befriending a lawyer is to not work for that person. Once in an employment situation, they will fawn over you, make you feel brilliant and important and valued when the chips are down and they need you to put in extra time for no remuneration so that the job can get done. But when that moment has passed, they are on Olympus while you are in Death Valley, and that can never change. I allowed myself to forget that a few weeks ago, and I have been reminded ever since that it just isn't so. Lawyers are strictly a what-can-you-do-for-me-today proposition. After 15 years, I really ought to know better, but everyone wants to feel needed, right?

Anyway, I just needed to get that off my chest before resuming my day's activities. I feel better already. And I know for certain now that I am NOT working this weekend. To hell with them all.


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