World of George


Tuesday, November 29, 2005

A few quick comments on a day which finds me very tired. . .

The new Harry Potter movie is easily the best of the four, and a huge improvement over the disappointment that was "Prisoner of Azkaban". I remember all the critics going crazy over "Azkaban", saying it was the best yet, when to me it was just a pretentious mess that ignored the series' strengths (mainly, not nearly enough of Smith, Rickman, Gambon, and all the rest of those great British actors) while spending far too much time away from Hogwarts. I can only assume these are the same critics who believe Tea Leoni is talented. Anyway, "Goblet of Fire" is a huge improvement, and I'd prefer to wait a few days to offer a more considered appraisal.

* * * * *

We are now in election mode in Canada, and I will offer only this. While I am by no means a fan of Paul Martin and the current crop of Liberals, I consider myself to be a Liberal and will almost certainly vote for the local candidate (who has had some dirt in her political past as well). However, I enter this election as I have every one since 1997, looking for someone to convince me to vote for them. Preston Manning failed, Stockwell Day failed, and Stephen Harper failed in his first try. I believe Harper to be a very bright man with good instincts who might have what it takes to be a fine Prime Minister. Unfortunately, he has done nothing to show me that he would lead a country of which I would be proud to call myself a citizen, and while as a white heterosexual male of a certain economic status I am as safe as one can be in Harper's vision of Canada, I know and value and even love far too many people who are not all of the above to allow that vision to come to pass. If Harper can convince me that (A) I am wrong about him and (B) if I am wrong, that he can control the loonies around him who I am most certainly not wrong about, I may just vote Conservative for once. Because the Liberals need a good ass-kicking so they can start cleaning house and get back to the values that once made them a great force in this country.
* * * * *
In other election news, Olivia Chow has resigned her seat on Toronto municipal council to run for the NDP federally. This is her third shot at the job, and hopefully she will falter yet again. Opinions about Chow and her hubby, Karim Baboolal's friend Jack Layton, fall into two categories only. The pro group considers them to be great advocates for the NDP cause. The rest of us think they are opportunists suckling at the public teat. If the voters in her riding do their part, Olivia may actually have to get a real job for once. Well, at least until the next municipal election in November 2006.


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