World of George


Tuesday, November 15, 2005

A little snippet from today's Britannica reading:

Peter Abelard (of Heloise and subsequent castration fame) wrote a book sometime around 1135 called "Know Thyself" (English title). Britannica sums up its conclusion as:

. . . human actions do not make a man better or worse in the sight of God, for deeds are in themselves neither good nor bad. What counts with God is a man's intention; sin is not something done (it is not res); it is uniquely the consent of a human mind to what it knows to be wrong.
I dunno. Sounds to me like Abelard was trying to rationalize all the sex he had with Heloise back in the good old days without benefit of clergy. By 1144, he got to find out what God had to say on the matter. But here's hoping old Pete was right on this one.


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