World of George


Sunday, November 13, 2005

As expected, Brittany's performance of "Fat" was the highlight of her musical theater class yesterday. She got dressed in the adjoining room so no one could see her before the performance, then bounced in when the music started. Now, Brittany is as slim as is possible without being unhealthy, so to see her wallowing in her new poundage is quite a sight. My wife said her teacher could barely hold in her laughter, though her classmates made no such effort. Afterwards, they followed her into the next room to see where the fat came from - a body pillow wrapped around her midsection. (Once again, her classmates had never heard the song before, as I make yet another contribution to expanding the musical knowledge of a generation.) After class, the teacher told my wife that a few of the girls (presumably including Brittany) are good enough to perform solo in musical theatre at competitions. I sure hope she doesn't mean this year, since the cost of dancing is already pushing me into borderline insolvency.

Next week, they have to do a scene from a movie. Right now, it looks like she'll do something from one of the Harry Potter flicks, since Brittany has a costume from her 9th birthday party at a showing of "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban". I'm pushing for "Lord of the Rings" (I love Sam's speech at the end of "The Two Towers"), but suspect I'll lose out. Too bad - I already have the music for that one.


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